Teaching Music

Our 30 Day Practice Challenge: In the Students' Words

Our 30 Day Practice Challenge: In the Students' Words

Last time, I shared some of my observations and musings while my students and I participated in the 30 Day Practice Challenge. Now that most of them have completed the challenge, it’s time for my students to share their thoughts on practising every day for 30 days.

Our 30 Days of Practice Challenge

Our 30 Days of Practice Challenge

As I mentioned in my post about this year’s Maestro’s 2018/19 Studio Challenges, my students and I are are doing a new practice challenge this year. Last month, we started a 30 Days of Practice Challenge. The practice challenge was inspired by concert violinist Hilary Hahn and her 100 Days of Practice Challenge on Instagram

Maestro's 2018/19 Studio Challenges

Maestro's 2018/19 Studio Challenges

During my brainstorming, the following themes came through: technique, ear/rhythm/sight-reading, and practice frequency. To be honest, those are the key themes every year, but these are areas I really want my students to shine in this year. So, I had to tweak the student challenges and incentives a bit.

Repertoire Exploration Project: Conservatory Canada Pre-Grade 1 Repertoire

Repertoire Exploration Project: Conservatory Canada Pre-Grade 1 Repertoire

When I was growing up, we had to go to the library to hear various recordings of our pieces. With technology, it is much easier to access various performances of pieces - but only some pieces. I have decided to record my exploration through student repertoire that hasn't received as much screen time (or any at all)...First up: Conservatory Canada's Pre-Grade 1 repertoire.