Introducing the Maestro Mobile Dog Stroller

After attending the Heritage Day festivities offered by the City of Calgary this past summer, I caved and ordered Maestro a dog stroller from Amazon. You try carrying an arthritic dog who can only walk a few feet before wanting a break. And when he wants a break, he’ll just park it wherever he stops. He doesn't care if he’s in the way.

Music Teacher Freebies

One of the wonderful things about the Internet is that I have been able to learn and use free music teaching resources developed by fellow music teachers all over the world. Now, it's my turn to start sharing some music teacher freebies.

Screen Cleaner Coolness at My Studio

I bought it because it looked small and cute. Then, I read the sign on the point-of-sale display at Staples. It stated that most cell phones are dirtier than a toilet seat in a public bathroom. Let that sink in a moment. Eww!

Sold! I picked up one AM Mist Screen Cleaning Block