
Jazz Music and Improvisation Guide Books

This is a list of the "How To" books that I use whenever I teach and play contemporary music (e.g. pop, rock, Latin, jazz, ragtime) that I shared with them:

Sherry Kennedy "Little Secret" CD Release Party February 2013

If you're looking for something musical to enjoy next month, come on out to my vocal coach Sherry Kennedy's CD release party. Deets as follows: Sherry Kennedy CD Release Party

Sherry is a Calgary-based singer, recording artist and vocal coach. Album review to come - stay tuned!

Here's a video of Sherry Kennedy in performance:

Practicing Piano Technique by the Root

This is more for the advanced students, music teachers and anyone who wants to learn jazz chords and scales. Instead of practicing your technical exercises by key, practice them by their shared root. For example, play through: