Japanese Reading Practice with Children's Books

When learning a new language, it's important to try and apply what you've learned into daily living. Our Japanese Language school has a lending library.They are mainly children's books, but with our limited vocabulary, kids' books suit us just fine.

For a good laugh, check out みな うんち!It's the weirdest book I have ever read. The English translation is available on Amazon.

One of my classmates recommends the city library. I've also borrowed children's books in Japanese from the Calgary Japanese Community Association.

In the fall, I traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia. There, I visited Daiso Canada, a 100 yen store (or a "toonie" store for us Canucks). There were so many neat things, from kitchenware to slippers and from office supplies to books.

I picked up this puzzle book to work through. It's fun, however, the frustrating part is having to look up every second word!

While doing some spring cleaning, I found the puzzle book again. Guess what I'll be doing during my イースター の やすみ?

I had such a great time wandering the store. One of the staffers looked at me a little oddly when I held up a folder/book protector and asked "いくら です か?" It was before I realized that everything was approximately $2.

One of my friends just returned from a trip to New York City. One of her stops was Kinokuniya Bookstore. She picked up this book for me to practice my Japanese, along with some pamphlets:

Clickity-click, Barba Trick. Now, will I be able to read my Japanese kids' book without singing the Barbapapa Theme?