Starting a New Chapter on Social Media Management Tools

After less than a month of using Hootsuite Pro, I've cancelled my account. I really enjoyed being able to have "one dashboard to rule them all" but the limitations that I encountered with this social media management tool were aggravating:

  1. Being limited to using the and link shorteners: Simply not a fan. Whether I was sharing a photo or a blog post that I scheduled for two days in advance, Hootsuite would simply share the item as the shortened link - without the summary blurb or featured photo. The result? A decease in readership because people are afraid to click on the links since they had no clue what the link was about.

  2. Only being able to post to my business G+ page. You know, sometimes, I'd like to post as me, the music teacher/musician.

  3. The mobile app leaves much to be desired. The mobile app would tell me that one of my former coworkers posted something but half the time, it showed up as their photo and nothing else. Ergo, I'd still have to log into LinkedIn to find out what the post was about. Also, the mobile app is limited only to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

  4. No integration with Feedly: Hootsuite has the Hootsuite Syndicator for managing your blog subscriptions. However, I prefer Feedly. It's slick, it's sexy and very easy to use.

  5. Missing "Likes": Whenever I "Liked" a post on the Hootsuite app, when I logged in Facebook, that "Like" is gone. Now, I know "liking" only goes so far, but I thought it would go a bit further than my Hootsuite app.

Now what?

Remember Buffer? I mentioned them when I first began this journey into SMM tools. It seems to be popular with quite a few bloggers. There's a Free Plan and an Awesome Plan. The latter is $10/month and gives you up to 12 social networking profiles. Although I'm testing out the Free Plan, I can tell you now that if I'm satisfied, I'll upgrade to the Awesome Plan. It's the only plan I can look at since I have two FB business pages and my Wall, along with multiple Twitter accounts.

Buffer and Feedly are partners. This means sharing with them just got a whole lot easier. Not only that, it looks like they both will talk to Evernote (a new app that I'm trying out).

Buffer has one drawback: not G+ integration. It looks like Google+ has to be treated differently. Either I just use the G+ mobile app or check out Do Share. Now Do Share allows you to schedule posts to your business page and your personal profile. That is handy.

So that is the next leg on my journey to find the ideal social media management tools for my business.