Yes, He Really Plays the Bongos

Maestro Plays the Bongos

Maestro Plays the Bongos

When I first contacted Maestro's breeder, Nancy Kiss of Calliente Lakelands, she asked me several questions. They are standard questions reputable breeders ask to determine whether or not you are a good fit for the breed.

When Nancy heard that I'm a musician, she said, "I have the perfect dog for you. He sings to the radio."

Now, I've only heard Maestro sing to the radio once or twice. He does sing along to scales, chords and arpeggios. He'll sing along with anyone who can carry a tune.

However, if you stumble one too many times, he leaves. Practicing, as he well knows, does not equal performing.

Maestro taken a huge shining to percussion instruments. Namely, the bongos, tambourines, shakers and rain stick:

Here another photo from Maestro's bongos practice during Group Class Week:

